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60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

    We are professional enterprise manufacturer & supplier of a complete range of 60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box . whichever 60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box you love, and whichever ones you need, we are sure to have them right here.

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box
60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box & Wholesale here
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  • Item Number: Nail Art Tips Decoration

  • Product Type :
    Nail Art Tips Decoration

  • Sample Price : USD $ 17.99
  • 5PCS Wholesale: USD $ 87.99

  • Shipping Cost: Free shiping

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box Description :

Brand New
Nail Decoration
Easy to apply on natural or artificial nails .You can also use them to decorate your home, cell phone's case, glasses, made card, body art ...
Brand new

these nail art decoration set comprise of:
12 pots 12 colors hexagon glitter decoration
12 pots 12 colors beads decoration
12 pots 12 colors glitter powder decoration
12 pots 12 colors crushed shell decoration
12 pots 12 colors striping glitter decoration

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

12 pots 12 colors hexagon glitter decoration

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

12 pots 12 colors beads decoration

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

12 pots 12 colors glitter powder decoration

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

12 pots 12 colors crushed shell decoration

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box

12 pots 12 colors striping glitter decoration

diameter of each pot: 2.5cm
IN ALL are 60 pots , it's very reasonable.
prefect for home use or professional use.
Original Gift Box

60 Nail Art Decoration Glitter Powder Crush Shell Bead Striping Gift Box Package included:

12 pots 12 colors hexagon glitter decoration
12 pots 12 colors beads decoration
12 pots 12 colors glitter powder decoration
12 pots 12 colors crushed shell decoration
12 pots 12 colors striping glitter decoration

1,Choose a nail polish in the color of your choice. Bring it to your manicure area/table. If you would like, you can choose a sticker (nail art) to put 10on your nails. There are hundreds to choose from.
2,Gather some cotton balls, then use a orange wood stick. nail polish remover, towel, newspaper, and clear nail polish. Paint your nails in a well-ventilated room. The fumes can be extremely dangerous to your health.
3,Take off any old polish. If you have any that is, especially if it's chipped. If you don't have any nail polish on, then swipe some nail polish remover over your nails before you begin painting, to get rid on any natural oils on your nails. This will keep the color smooth and help the color last longer.
4,Rub the bottle between your hands to warm the nail polish for about 25-30 seconds. Open it, and scrape some of the excess polish off on the side of the bottle. Don't shake it. Rolling the bottle keeps bubbles out of the polish and keep your nails smooth.
5,Apply one coat of clear nail polish (base polish works best!). Allow it to fully dry to the touch before proceeding. It's okay if some of the color gets on your skin. Nobody will be able to tell since there's no color!
6,Paint one stripe of color in the middle of your thumb or pinky nail. Then, paint a stripe on the left, continuing to the right. This subtly focuses the color in the middle of the nail. Remember to keep your hand steady. Don't worry if it looks too thin -- it's supposed to. Re-dip your brush into the bottle before starting the nail so the color is evenly distributed throughout your nails. Let it dry completely before adding your last coat. You may have to wait 10-20 minutes, so you may want to turn on your television or some music.
7,Add another coat of color if desired, depending on the shade of color you want. Bear in mind that if you want a color very similar to the bottle you should paint two coats, but if you want a lighter shade then skip to the next step. Let this dry. Remember that the top coat is the one everyone will see, and the one that you'll feel. Keep that coat smooth!
8,Paint a last coat of clear polish to keep the color lasting for at least one more week. This seals and protects the color.
9,Wait for your nails to dry completely before doing anything else. You can watch TV while you wait. Try not to wave your arms or shake your wrists frantically in an attempt to dry your nails. This can tone down the shine in your nails. Enjoy your freshly done nails!
10,Place a sticker on your nails gently. It's recommended that if you are going to do them on your thumbs to put it on the side of your thumb nail that you can see when you put your hand down flat.
11,Get fabulous! If you want textured and fashionable nails to suit the glamours style for 2012, then put on a base coat and sprinkle some sugar on, this makes them look like you have had a REALLY expensive job done on them because the sugar turns into little crystals all over the nail and leaves a shimmering finish. And it comes off just like normal nail polish!